The Shih Chien University Library Offers the Following Services
Circulation staff members provide information on how users can borrow library materials from the Shih Chien University Libraries as well as from other libraries. They can explain loan, recall, and fine policies; allowing students and faculty to borrow materials, as well as providing similar services to staff from Shih Chien University and from institutions with which Shih Chien University has reciprocal borrowing privileges. In additions the library is able to search for books that cannot be found in the book stacks.
New Books
New books are regularly displayed for a certain length of time during which they may be borrowed.
Serials, Journals and Periodicals
Serials, journals and periodicals are not available for loan but may be used in the Library. The collection contains over 2000 titles, shelved alphabetically by title in the serials room on library basement level 2(B2).
Multimedia Services
Located in B2, Multimedia Services houses the Library’s video and audio collection. Faculty members can place their own or their department’s media materials on reserve here for their courses, as Multimedia services provides equipment that students can use to review most types of media.
Students who need to watch a video, listen to music or audio materials for a class, practice their presentation skills, evaluate instructional CD-ROMs, review foreign language materials, or use the English as a Second Language (ESL) Resource Center can do so in Multimedia Services. Also there are several areas available for group meeting or class use, including the four discussion rooms.
Reference Services
The mission of reference services is to support the research and information needs of the Shih Chien University community. Reference librarians are available in library to help you find information and provide research assistance, whether in person, email, online chatting or by telephone.
Course Reserves
The Shih Chien University Library offers a Course Reserves service for faculty, instructors and teaching assistants to place course material into a short loan collection which helps ensuring fair access to required readings for all students.
Inter-Library Loans Service
The Inter-Library Loans Service gives access to material from other libraries which is not held by the Shih Chien University. It covers all kinds of printed or other materials, including books, theses and journals.
Materials unavailable in the Shih Chien University Library often may be obtained from other libraries or document delivery sources. All faculty, students and staff may use the “Nationwide Document Delivery System (NDDS)” to access the “Interlibrary Loan Service” or contact the Reference Desk of Main Library for the “NDDS”.
Purchase Recommendations
The Shih Chien University Library actively encourages its users to recommend items films for purchase. Any recommendations will assist in the building and management of the Library collection, one of Shih Chien University’s greatest assets.